Born in 1951 and raised near Bozeman, Montana (USA), John has three brothers. He was active in sports, excelled in track as a distance runner, and continues to enjoy running. He graduated from Montana State University. While raised in a Christian home, he found himself wrestling with the relevance of Christianity especially in the counter-culture era. Towards the completion of his studies, he came into contact with a caring community of Christians who strove to find honest answers to honest questions. Rededicating his life to God, he joined Youth With a Mission in its calling to world evangelism in 1975. Since then, John has served in Europe, beginning in Germany then moving to Austria where he was involved with YWAM’s Slavic Ministries. He traveled regularly to Poland from the late 70’s onward and played an instrumental role in the mission’s work with the Light and Life renewal in the Catholic Church. In 1988, he married Helen (Keller), a Swiss co-worker who worked in Germany. Shortly after, they moved to Poland. He and Helen have two sons and a daughter. Both he and Helen presently serve as elders in Christ the King Church. John seeks to understand the times and how God’s people should respond. He presents this in multiple venues: academic symposiums, YWAM worldview schools, in leadership gatherings as well as in one-to-one engagement with Christian leaders. He is completing his PhD dissertation on the thought of Michael Polany and its political relevance.
But when he heard it, he said, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick"
Kościół Chrystus Królem w Krakowie
Aleja Pokoju 1A (budynek Lobos) 31–545 Kraków
+48 509 501 639
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